October 15th I woke up quite nervous: it was D-Day again. Time for my Multidisciplinary Screening. I had to be in Hilversum at 9 am on a Monday, this meant I had to drive there in the middle of rush hour. The alarm clock woke me up quite early, I picked up mom and we arrived perfectly on time at 8.45 am.
Overall I think the screening went okay, but you never know what 'the experts' think. Upon arriving I had to hand over my food diary and two photos. Then I was escorted to the waiting room where I saw the other 3 people that were there for the screening that morning.
My first meeting was with a nurse/care co-ordinator who weighed me (116,8 kilos), measured my height (1.72 m, so I have not shrunk yet) and measured my waist: 118 cm (Yikes :S). On to the computer where I had to fill out two questionnaires: one on my medical history and one on my 'physcological state of mind'.
Then I saw the dietitian: she told me that research showed that for certain people dieting does not work. My 'diet-past' shows that I am one of those people. My BMI is just below 40 (39,49), but she said they would round that up to 40. We discussed my food diary. The dietitian was very friendly and within a very short time was able to determine that I'm a perfectionist and too hard on myself. Basically she told me that the operatie was my last resort.
Next I had my meeting with the movement expert, again a very friendly lady: we talked about exercise and then I had to bike for 6 minutes: no sweat! The cycling was quite easy, I could have gone on for another 6 minutes if she had asked me to.
A meeting with the psychologist followed, this was the meeting I was dreading the most. She asked me what prompted me eating and I told her about several issues I had experienced when I was still quite young. She asked I had talked about these issues with a psychologist or psychiatrist in the past, which I haven't. She almost made me feel like I should have been very depressed. This meeting made me feel a bit awkward and insecure.
Last but not least was my meating with the p.g, probably the easiest of all. We talked about my medical past, she listened to my chest and measured my blood pressure: 105/80.
Now the waiting starts.... During the Orientation Meeting in Velp we were told that we would get the results of the Multidisciplinary Screening within 3 to 7 weeks, in Hilversum the dietitian mentioned 3 to 4 weeks. Confusion!!! So I called Velp yesterday and was told that it would take at least (!?!?!) 7 weeks and that once the results were in, they would send me a letter. If results are negative I have to call my p.g. to hear why. If they are positive, it will contain the date for my Post Operative Screening and during this screening I would be told what surgery I would undergo.
The screening has only happened one week ago and I'm becoming more nervous and insecure by the minute. I 'm becoming more and more doubtful on whether or not I'll get a positive reaction. And the longer I think about it, the more ridiciulous it feels to me that I have to wait so long for one person to make up his mind about a possible surgery for me.
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